
A flat dollar strands for a fixed dollar amount, usually when peaking of fees or commissions paid for certain services. Contracts and trades that fix flat dollar amounts rather than fees which are percentage-based remove the size of transaction from the fee equation. That is the reason why flat dollar fees may offer brokers and traders advantages when transaction sizes change.



We measure dollar ration against a certain currencies basket. But what is a currency basket? It is a list of the major currencies that shape the behavior of the currency that is measured against it. a basket usually plays a role of a benchmark for the national currency exchange rate.



Carry trade is a certain trading strategy that involves rolling into a certain trade at a lower price only to see the price go up. It also explains a process of going into a certain assets trading in expectancy of a soon-to-come higher return rate. It also involves buying a badly-performing currency in order to convert it in a better-performing currency, counting on a profit in the difference.



A lot of traders are only aiming to buy or sell their assets for a certain price. That is where FILL OR KILL request comes in handy. FILL OR KILL is a request put down by a trader to conduct a deal only according to a certain price, set by a trader or otherwise negate the deal altogether.




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