1.07 - USD is growing higher and higher after the G-20 summit
10.04 - markets are quiet and Lufthansa is striking
10.05 - trading is not going to be stable at all today. What is the strategy?
11.07 - new policies of USA are blowing the market numbers
11.07 - USD is SO low it is scary
12.08 - perfect EUR/USD growth may soon be disrupted
13.05 - trade war is looming once again. Will USD ruin everything for us?
13.08 - GBP/USD is going to show us what volatility is today
13.08 - today's performance is far from satisfactory
15.08 - USD is going to have a very hard day
16.10 - what is more stable than Swiss franc?
17.09 - markets are slow at the beginnig of the week
19.06 - America blew up the markets
20.08 - GBP/USD is sliding so low it is scary
21.05 - beginning of trading week brings hope
21.06 - trade tensions may turn good for China
22.08 - what is going on in the world?
23.10 - can mid-term elections save dollar?
26.03 - news for start of successful week
27.06 - dollar on it's back against strong oil