Market exposure is the dollar-worth amount of funds, or percentage of portfolio, invested in one type of security, market sector or even a particular industry. It is usually expressed as a percentage of total portfolio holdings.
Market exposure is the dollar-worth amount of funds, or percentage of portfolio, invested in one type of security, market sector or even a particular industry. It is usually expressed as a percentage of total portfolio holdings.
Market efficiency is the degree to which market prices reflect all available and relevant information.
Voodoo accounting uses several accounting techniques to artificially boost the bottom line by inflating revenue or hiding expenses or even both.
Visible supply is the amount of goods or commodities that are currently stored or transported and are available to be bought or sold.
‘Go-go fund’ is a slang name for a mutual fund that has high-risk investment strategy focused on securities in an attempt to gain above-average returns.
Global recession is a long period in economic decline all over the world.