Windows 10 marks a "new era" for personal computing, Microsoft's chief executive has said.

The software, launched globally on Wednesday, is the company's attempt to reverse its fortunes in the mobile industry. Windows 10 will be offered as a free upgrade to most consumers.

However, companies will have to pay for their version, as will PC-makers to pre-install it. Analysts say the strategy is designed to speed adoption.

Speaking exclusively to BBC News, Satya Nadella said: "Windows 10 is a huge milestone for us as a company, and quite frankly the industry."

Microsoft is staggering the release over several weeks, so not everyone will be able to get the upgrade on the launch day.

Microsoft has until now released a new version of Windows every few years. Windows 10 will be the last launch of this kind, the company said - from here on it will gradually update the software for free over months and years.

Mr Nadella said he hoped features like digital personal assistant Cortana - comparable to Apple's Siri, and Google Now - would set Windows 10 apart.

"If you think about our history in technology, we've had concepts that have changed how people have interacted with their computing resources.

"One of them was a graphical user interface, the second was the browser and the web. I think of Cortana as the third platform."

Speaking about possible privacy concerns, Mr Nadella took aim at companies like Google who use data to sell advertising.

"One of the foundational pieces of making anything more personal is trust," he said.

"We're not trying to sell you advertising, we're trying to in fact sell you software or devices so you as a user can trust it, that it's working on your behalf.

"I as a consumer may want to sometimes trade off my data to get a free service, and that's ok. But it's the other users of that same data - that is where trust matters.

"I absolutely want Microsoft to be trustworthy. How consumers make choices between companies, I'll leave it to them."

It's mandatory to keep a close eye on Microsoft stock following the release of their new software update. 






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Move over Toyota! Volkswagen winning global sales race

Volkswagen has stolen Toyota's crown to become the world's top carmaker by sales, at least for the year so far.

Data on vehicles sold by the companies during the first six months of 2015 show the German automaker nudged out its Japanese rival to claim the top spot.

Volkswagen (VLKAF) sold 5.04 million vehicles from January to June, a slight dip from a year earlier. That compares to 5.02 million sold by Toyota (TM) over the same period. Group sales dropped 1.5% due to a weaker performance by its Toyota and Daihatsu brands.

Automakers are being challenged by softening conditions in markets like China and Russia, and Volkswagen is cautious about the outlook.

The carmaker, which also owns the Audi (AUDVF) and Porsche (POAHY) brands, described its performance so far this year as "satisfactory" in a difficult environment.

Sales in China -- Volkswagen's largest single market -- dropped nearly 4% in the first half of the year. North America was brighter, where sales climbed 6%.

Toyota also increased production in the U.S. But it's faced other challenges in recent months.

Toyota is among a number of auto firms swept up in a massive recall over possibly faulty airbags. The automaker has recalled millions of vehicles globally on fears Takata airbags installed may explode and send shrapnel flying at drivers and passengers.







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Another massive blow for China's stock market.

China's Shanghai Composite index shed 8.5% on Monday, a bone-rattling decline that raises questions about the government's ability to prevent a crash.

Beijing managed to stabilize markets with a dramatic rescue in late June and early July, intervening in a number of ways to limit losses for investors. But the crisis has now resumed: Monday's fall was the biggest daily percentage decline since 2007.

The vast majority of companies listed in Shanghai, including many large state-owned firms, fell by the maximum daily limit of 10%. Losses in Shanghai, and on the smaller Shenzhen Composite index, accelerated into the close. Shenzhen, which is heavy on tech stocks, closed down 7%.

China's stock markets have been extremely volatile this year. The first signs of trouble came in June, after the Shanghai Composite peaked at more than 5,100 points, a gain of roughly 150% over the previous 12 months. When the bubble burst, the index lost 32% of its value in just 18 trading sessions.

Beijing reacted forcefully. The People's Bank of China cut interest rates to a record low, regulators suspended new market listings, and threatened to throw short sellers in jail.

The country's market regulator, the China Securities Regulatory Commission, organized the purchase of shares using cash supplied by the central bank. Companies were allowed to suspend their own shares -- at one point 50% of all listed stocks were frozen.

Following the intervention, markets enjoyed two weeks of relative calm before Monday's trading session.

Yating Xu, an economist at IHS Global Insight, said the severe stock market decline could pile more pressure on company profits in the months ahead, requiring further intervention by the government to support growth:

"Poor profit growth indicates persistent weak domestic demand in China, and adds pressure in reaching some kind of stabilization in the second half [of 2015]."

"More targeted stimulus, especially fiscal policy, may still be expected to support China's infrastructure investments in the coming months." 






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Ferrari's better, faster supercar!

Ferrari is revving its engine ahead of its planned New York stock market debut.

Parent company Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCAM) announced Thursday it will spin-off the luxury car manufacturer and list shares on the New York Stock Exchange.

An IPO is expected by early 2016, according to documents filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

The sportscar maker is reportedly aiming for a market value of "at least" 10 billion euros ($11 billion).

Fiat Chrysler said as much as 10% of Ferrari's shares will be up for grabs, but it hasn't released details about the number of shares that will be offered or the price range.

Ferrari makes some of the most exclusive cars in the world and has historically capped production at 7,000 vehicles per year to ensure demand always outstrips supply. Some customers wait years for the delivery of their new vehicle.

This strategy has made the Ferrari brand one of the most valuable in the world.

However, Ferrari has begun expanding its production a tad -- delivering 7,255 cars last year -- to ensure its waiting list doesn't get out of control.

Ferrari reported 2.8 billion euros ($3 billion) in sales last year, resulting in a profit of 265 million euros ($290 million).

The plan is to completely split Ferrari from Fiat Chrysler within the next year.

The son of Ferrari's founder -- Piero Ferrari -- is expected to maintain his 10% stake in the firm.

Fiat Chrysler also owns the Maserati, Jeep and Dodge brands.






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McDonald's sales plunge as it Posts Seventh Straight Quarter of Falling U.S. Sales

The fast food giant reported a 10% drop in quarterly sales and earnings per share on Thursday. And while that was good enough to beat Wall Street's meager expectations, McDonald's CEO Steve Easterbrook called the results "disappointing."

McDonald's has been struggling, and the troubles led to the ouster of former CEO Don Thompson in January.

Since taking over, Easterbrook has stressed that McDonald's must make big changes to convince people that they should eat at the Golden Arches.

Easterbrook unveiled the company's turnaround plan in May.

That announcement had a lot of marketing gobbledygook phrases like "modern progressive burger company." But it left many analysts wondering -- to borrow a famous old slogan from rival Wendy's (WEN) -- where's the beef?

Wall Street -- and customers -- wanted more details about how the company planned to spruce up the menu.

Easterbrook said in a statement Thursday that the company is "seeing early signs of momentum" and predicted a sales rebound in the third quarter. Thursday's results showed a decline in same-store sales of 0.7% worldwide and 2% in the United States.

But for McDonald's to get back on track, it all comes down to the food. And it seems that customers, especially Americans, are still not happy.

The company noted that a main reason for the tepid results was because "featured products and promotions did not achieve expected consumer response amid ongoing competitive activity."

Translation: The food stinks and consumers are going elsewhere.






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As we pretected in our article from today: War Started, Apple stock went crushing in what seems to be an awful day for the company. Apple stock has dropped by almost 8% and loosing tens of Billions from its worth.  

Another reason for Apple’s bad results, apart from the dispute with Samsung and other major tech companies was that it sold fewer iPhones than expected in the past three months, and offered a weak outlook for the current quarter.

The biggest technology rally since October was knocked cold, as disappointing earnings reports punished Microsoft Corp. and left Apple Inc. in danger of its worst-ever loss of market value.

Overall, Apple's sales and profits were strong. In its fiscal third quarter, Apple (AAPL, Tech30) recorded revenue of $49.6 billion. Financial analysts polled by Thomson Reuters expected sales of $49.4 billion.

But the company sold "just" 47.5 million iPhones. While that's up a stunning 59% from a year ago, the number of iPhones sold last quarter is still fewer than the 49 million analysts had forecast.

There was plenty of good iPhone news for Apple to cheer about, though. 






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Materials like copper, aluminum, gold and oil are dropping in value, raising concerns about the health of the global economy.

The CRB raw industrials spot price index is now at its lowest level since November 2009. The Bloomberg Commodities Index touched levels unseen since June 2002.

Just this week, crude oil prices retreated to $50 a barrel, while gold tumbled below $1,100 an ounce to five-year lows.

And mining stocks like Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX) and Coeur Mining (CDE) are down 20% to 25% this month alone.

So why is this happening? David Kelly, chief global strategist at JPMorgan Funds, said that "It's a yellow flag for the global economy. I don't think it's a heads up that we're headed for disaster, but I do think it tells us something."

There is simply isn't enough demand: Soft global economic growth has hurt demand for some of the most closely-watched industrial metals like copper and iron ore, as well as oil.

While China is growing faster than many countries, it has slowed drastically in recent years. That's a critical factor, because China's previously-insatiable demand for natural resources made it the world's "swing consumer."

China's slowdown is playing a huge role in the demand picture. Growth in the first half of 2015 slowed to the weakest level since 2009 -- and there's growing rumblings among investors that Beijing may be fudging the numbers.

Many other emerging markets like Brazil and Russia are growing at a sluggish pace, too. So are developed economies like Europe and to a lesser extent the U.S. The International Monetary Fund recently downgraded its global growth forecast to 3.3%, the weakest pace since the financial crisis.

"We're not going into a global recession, but there isn't a lot of growth out there either," said Michael Block, chief strategist at Rhino Trading Partners.






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