6 ways to help you not burn out in the office
Burning out at your work desk is a new epidemic of our time. Stress of our jobs gets the best of us and we as we still need to keep on going and can’t afford to meltdown every other week we need to know how to avoid burning out in order to keep on being productive.
For us it is even more important as we have to come back from work and still be fresh in order to keep on trading.
So, what do we need to do to save out energy?
1. Sleep.
2. Go to the gym.
3. Have fun.
4. Delegate.
5. Communicate.
6. Learn to say no.
1. Sleep.
That is the most obvious and most effective way to save our energy and stay productive. Keep your sleeping schedule and you are going to be just fine. Plus. Going into bed late and sleeping in doesn’t really count.
It is well-known that the most important and healthy sleep can be got from 10 PM until 1AM. So, going to sleep at 3 AM and sleeping until noon is simply not going to cut it. But admit, you, just like me are doing this way more often than considered normal. That is only fine. Nothing you can’t fix on the span of 2 weeks, really.
2. Go to the gym.
Exercising gives you energy, contrary to the popular believe. I mean, of course you need to have a certain level of energy in order to get to your cardio, but after working out you are going to feel so much better. Plus, treadmill and headphones with your favorite music is a perfect cure for any of your work problems. Lust you and your thoughts.
3. Have fun.
If you have the possibility to go to the theater, comedy show, meet up with your friends and generally have a good time and a good laugh – use it. You don’t need to hold back. After all, they do say that laughter is the best medicine. Having a good time is a perfect remedy for any of the work-related stresses.
Just note, that we are talking about sober and healthy fun.
4. Delegate.
A lot of us prefer to bottle our problems up in order to have more time to ourselves. A lot of us prefer not to talk to anyone as we prefer not to bother anyone with our own issues. But, do other people try and spare your time when it comes to it? No. I am sure. So, why should you hold back?
I am sure, that your supervisor is going to be glad to help you. You can also delegate some of your deeds to your own subordinates. Neat, right?
5. Communicate.
And we are back to bottling up. As a lot of us prefer to stay alone without thoughts we often forget that we can just talk to our friends and family in order to relief a little bit of that stress.
Meeting new people is also going to do you a lot of good. Plus, with the new social media age it is not that hard, right?
6. Learn to say no.
After some time, people are going to understand that you are able to do a lot. And that is where the ability and knowledge to say NO in the right moment is going to help you. You need to love yourself and respect your time. You need to understand your own limits in order to limit those who want to give you all of their responsibilities to have more free time. That is a simple NO. Learn how and when to say no and you are going to be just fine.
How are you keeping yourself from burning out? Give me some advice in the comments!