It is in human nature to start something up and then lose interest in it. It is normal and it can happen with any aspect of life. And with trading as well. Especially with trading as it is the aspect of money-making that is connected with the possibility to lose said money.
And after losses and getting tired of constant learning it is natural for us to lose interest in trading.
So, how do you renew it?
1. Remember why you got into it.
2. Watch movies.
3. Count your living expenses.
4. Do not stop reading news.
5. Look for the opportunities to earn.
6. Do not think about it.
1. Remember why you got into it.
Why did you get into trading in the first place? Was that pure interest? Did someone recommend it? Was that a desire to make a lot of money fast? In any case there must have been a good reason behind your decision to get into trading.
You need to reach inside yourself and remember – why did you start in the first place? Memories are going to play their part and you are going to find what you are looking for.
2. Watch movies.
Oh, yeas. That fire inside brokers. You know, sometimes that really happens. Brokers, although have to be very calm and cold, sometimes do seem like small children. And they react the same. So the picture we see on the screen is not entirely false.
Just look at those faces, at the rush and at the excitement these people have. You do know that you can experience the same emotions, right? Just go back into trading! It is that easy.
3. Count your living expenses.
Do you want to live or to survive? I bet the first option is far better for you. You want to live pretty and rich. And, unfortunately sometimes our day job can’t give us that level of life that we want to have. And that is where trading comes in.
We can earn even more than we earn behind our working desk. Moreover, you can earn your monthly salary in a matter of hours. Not a bad option, right?
Just count how much you need for the best life and think – are you going to try and earn it through the day job or take a leap of faith and trade?
4. Do not stop reading news.
Never stop reading news. Your interest might come back at some point and in case you are going to lose track of things a big chunk of your time is going to go on following the situation and getting all the information back. Do not stop following the situation in your preferred segment of the market.
5. Look for the opportunities to earn.
Look at charts from time to time. You need to search for your perfect would-be entry point. Watching the chart and seeing a perfect point and
opportunity to earn is going to get your blood pumping. You are going to feel what you need – a will to trade.
6. Do not think about it.
Never purposely think about the fact that you went away from trading. Never even blink an eye. Everything in life come is circles and you, just like any human can burn out. What is really important to remember is the fact that you are going to come back to it anyway. Just when you feel and think the time is right. And here nothing can really push you towards this moment. It is something that comes naturally.