Spot date is a day when a spot trade transaction is carried out, meaning it is the exact day when the involved-in-transaction funds are transferred. In currency market spot date is usually set in 2 days after the order is placed.



Liquidity trap is market’s condition when interest rates are too low and savings rates are too high. They can appear as a result of ineffective monetary policy.


Mine and yours is the term used by the floor traders in order to describe buying and selling process respectively. When they want to buy a security they only type ‘mine’. The same with selling and ‘yours’. This was invented for the quick and easy communication between two brokers during a fast transaction.



Icarus factor is a term used to describe a situation when the management of the company sets too ambitious plans which ultimately do not work out and harm the company in the end.



Worn currency are worn out currency bills. They can be torn, damaged or simply be in bad condition. Banks are to accept these bills, exchange them for the proper ones for the clients. Bills themselves are getting exchanged as well.




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