Non-Farm Payrolls (NFP) Employment Change - is a vital economic data released shortly after the month ends. The combination of importance and earliness makes for hefty market impacts. Job creation is an important leading indicator of consumer spending, which accounts for a majority of overall economic activity. Change in the number of employed people during the previous month, excluding the farming industry.

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So what is the solution, well it lays mostly in trading the financial market, those provide an opportunity for each and everyone to increase their monthly income and gain more financial and personal freedom. for example:by allowing trips around the world with the extra money you profit fancy new cars and surrounded by beautiful girls while lying on the beach of a tropical island.




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Greece is just hours away from defaulting on a loan from the International Monetary Fund, setting the stage for a tense showdown with its international creditors ahead of an effective national referendum on its membership of the euro currency.

Athens has until midnight to repay the $1.8 billion it owes as part of a $270 billion aid package it received from the IMF, European Central Bank and European Commission — 19 eurozone governments — during the financial crisis. Next month Greece is also due to pay the ECB $3.9 billion.

But as talks between Greece and its creditors have broken down as Athens has tried to negotiate less onerous repayment terms tied to austerity measures, global markets have tumbled over fears that the country's attempts to strike a better deal could see it forced out of the eurozone. Its membership of the European Union is also at stake.

Although markets across Asia bounced back Tuesday, European indexes remained deep in negative territory. And on Monday, steep sell-offs in these regions helped push the Dow down 350 points — its biggest one-day-point loss since June 20, 2013.

A Greek eurozone exit, if it comes, it is feared, may reignite the financial contagion experienced during the sovereign debt crisis when billions of dollars were wiped off the value of European government debt and other assets.

Still, while many analysts and officials have warned that Greece leaving the eurozone could have far-reaching consequences for economies and markets across the world, the specific impact of that possible development remains mostly unclear.

Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody's Analytics, a unit of the ratings firm, said that "If Greece leaves the eurozone, there is unlikely to be a big bang moment when the country adopts the drachma.

"It will happen over time, as the Greek government issues IOUs that effectively become the new currency," he said.






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Banks in Greece will not open on Monday as a desperate measure by officials to try and prevent the country's financial system from collapsing in panic.

Account holders will face tough limits on what they can withdraw from ATMs, and the stock exchange will reportedly be shut.

The measures were announced Sunday as Greece slid rapidly toward default and exit from the eurozone.

European leaders are now facing one of the worst moments in the history of the euro. President Obama called German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Sunday, and the two agreed to take all steps to try to resolve the crisis.

The trigger for the rapid escalation in the crisis was the Greek government's decision late Friday to pull its negotiators out of bailout talks.

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is accusing Europe of 'blackmail' as the European Central Bank said Sunday it would provide no new emergency support to Greek banks. Tsipras slammed a draft proposal from Europe and the International Monetary Fund, and said he would put it to the Greek people in a referendum on July 5.

Be aware that trading in EURO and other European markets like DAX, CAC, and FTSE, will be dangerous at this point.





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Few events will be as significant for the world in the next 15 years as China opening its capital borders, a shift that economists and regulators across the world are now starting to grapple with.

One of the most significant events for the world during the next 15 years will be China opening its capital borders, an event that change the world’s economic structure.

China’s leadership are aiming to invest more overseas and less in domestic economy. China’s excessive amount of savings – as much as $21 Trillion will increasingly deploy overseas, a move that is now becoming easier as Premier Li Kequang relaxes capital-flow regulations.

There are some changes that are easy to envision: the Yuan making its way to into more corners of the globe, China’s giant bank increasingly shine at New York, London and Tokyo Skylines, and property prices all around the globe will feel the influence of Chinese buying.

Some are evaluating this process using terms of Historic Proportions, as China’s era will be marked by shifting from a large net importer of capital to one of the world’s largest exporters of capital. And the continuing opening of China’s capital account will also promote the trading of commodities in yuan, and boost China’s ability to influence their prices.

China International Capital Corp. economists led by Beijing-based Liang Hong, wrote in a note this month that “The integration of China - the world’s second-largest economy with the highest saving rate but still a low per capita income - into the global capital markets is an unprecedented event.”

One issue that is being brought into account is the relationships with the US, as David Dollar, who served as U.S. Treasury attaché in China and is now a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution in Washington puts it: If they’re going to be gradually opening up to be like the U.S., then vast amounts of money are going to flow overseas,”… “I would speculate that it favors the U.S. over everything else.”




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Euro-area finance ministers expressed bemusement on the status of talks with Greece after they were presented at the last minute with competing proposals aimed at resolving the standoff over aid.

Europe’s finance ministers are somewhat confused about the status of talks with Greece after they were presented different last meeting proposals aimed at resolving the deadlock.

Jeroen Dijsselbloem, the Dutch finance minister who chairs meetings of his euro-area counterparts, said that Greece’s creditors pulled together a common position that doesn’t have the support of the Greek government and sent it to finance chiefs to review as the basis for a deal

Malta’s Finance Minister Edward Scicluna, told reporters that Greece’s creditors are running out of time and patience. The documents were merged minutes before ministers met, as he added: “We don’t know what has been deleted or added. We don’t know where the disagreements are.”

Ministers are losing their calm as they meet for the fourth time in a week after talks between Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and the heads of his country’s three creditor institutions failed to produce a compromise position. German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said that rather than making progress the Greeks had moved “backwards.”

Finnish Finance Minister Alexander Stubb, said that “The process continues -- it’s quite the ping-pong back-and-forth”… “The worst case scenario for now is that we continue this tomorrow.”



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Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook employees will definitely "like" this. Facebook's stock rose 3% Tuesday and hit at an all-time high! And now worth more than the giant Walmart corporate.

Following the last days, Facebook's market value is rose, and is now $245 billion - an amazing success for a company that has only been around since 2004 and started trading on Wall Street in 2012.

The stock is up more than 11% this year. The recent rally has been fueled by optimism about the company's plans to launch interactive mobile video ads.

Walmart is now worth about $235 billion. Its stock has fallen 15% so far in 2015 due to concerns about weak sales and increased competition from the likes of Amazon and Target.

Walmart’s CEO Doug McMillon said that Facebook and its subsidiary Instagram are two of the companies he most admires, and it’s easy to understand why. If things will continue to look the same for Facebook, it’s only a matter of time until they pass the next big company in market value terms. 




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According to forecasts by the economist Intelligence Unit, China, the U.S and India will take three top places in the world’s top 10 economies in just 35 years’ time. Large economies of Russia and Italy are going to lose their place to Mexico and Indonesia.

Another very interesting forecast is that by the year 2026, China will pass the U.S to be the world’s biggest economy in nominal gross domestic product in dollar terms. And To complete the top 10 list we have Indonesia, Germany, Japan, Brazil, and the U.K, which are going to be poorer than China and India, combined.

We can see for certain that the wealth is shifting towards Asian nations, and the EURO countries will play a smaller part in the world economy decades to come.


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Stocks in global markets, the euro, and the euro zone bonds all rose today, following a wave of optimism that Greece and its international creditors will come up with a last minute deal that will help Greece avoid default. 

Alexis Tsipras, Greek Minister will meet with the heads of European Commission, European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund ahead of a summit of euro zone leaders later in the day aimed at reaching a deal over debt talks.

President Jean-Claude Juncker, chief-of-staff to European Commission President, called the latest proposals from Greece a "good basis for progress", while EU Economic Commissioner Pierre Moscovici said he’s "convinced" agreement with Greece will be reached.

 Credit Suisse analysts said in a note on Monday, that the most likely outcome, with a 75 percent probability, is a deal.



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Angela Merkel – Chancellor of Germany is standing strong to help Greece solve the crisis. Merkel says that she does not want to see the Greek people suffer in the crisis after math. Despite her will to stand on Greece’s side, she notes that Germany with other European countries are frustrated from Greece unable to reach a compromise.

Merkel declared that Berlin will negotiate with Greece until the very last minute in a desperate try to avert Greece from defaulting as Athens and its international creditors remain deadlocked over a for coming debt deal.  

Peter Altmaier, Merkel's chief of staff, still believes that a deal is possible if Greece would present sensible reforms that can be accepted by the European community. 

Despite being Greece's biggest creditor and the biggest contributor to the EU budget and the euro zone bailout fund, it seems like Germany at the help of Merkel are the ones who’s trying hardest to reach an agreement that will in some way see Greece’s interests in front of them.




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Finance Ministers are preparing for the worst scenario case as the Greece crisis comes to its crucial and final moments.

The latest meeting between Europe leaders today in Luxemburg didn’t go well as no real progress achieved in the session. Moreover, the Antagonism of Greece’s Prime Minister Tsipras towards Greece creditors is on the rise, while rejecting the compromise offered to him, as he accounts the terms of the deal as an austerity against Greece’s interests.

The U.S are getting increasingly involved as Janet Yellen - The Chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, said that in a case of no agreement achieved, there is a potential of a serious effect on European and Worldwide financial markets outlook.



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The multinational mass media corporation 21st Century Fox has confirmed James Murdoch will replace his father as the firm’s chief executive on July 1.


The 84-years old Murdoch said in his statement that his son would “strive to take the company to new levels of growth”. The old Murdoch would still play an important role in the firm’s decision making policy, and is expected to have the final say when something significant would to happen.


Fox News as well as 20th Century Fox film studio which both owned by Murdoch’s Empire, will go through a significant change in their managerial structure, so remember to keep a close watch on their future stock rates and financial activity.



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The real estate mogul and TV reality star launched his presidential campaign Tuesday, ending more than two decades of persistent flirtation with the idea of running for the Oval Office.

"So, ladies and gentlemen, I am officially running for president of the United States, and we are going to make our country great again," Trump told the crowd, in a lengthy and meandering speech that hit on his signature issues like currency manipulation from China and job creation, as well as taking shots at the President and his 2016 competitors.

"Sadly the American dream is dead," Trump said at the end of his speech, promising to bring it back to life with his run.

Trump has already billed himself as the "most successful person ever to run for the presidency, by far," pointing out even that he owns a "Gucci store that's worth more than Romney."

Everything Trump is related to will be greatly affected by this announcement. Make sure to follow all of Trump’s holding and investments because the market is about to change!


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Since the exit of Twitter's CEO Dick Costolo has been announced, the Company has been in the spotlights. Shortly after the announcement, company stock rose, which can be explained by the investor's view that Twitter is better off without Costolo in charge. However, the Optimism fell short after the stock closed down with a loss 3.45% to $34.66 in monday's session.


A lot of candidates names for the new job have been raised up by Twitter's user community, but in most cases the final decision had not been affected by rumors or recommendations from the wide public. Some analysts hold a somewhat pessimistic approach to Twitter's upcoming future while expressing their concern over The company's lack of action in the new situation created.


In addition to that, some analysts are sceptical of the ability to bring a real and much needed change to the company.

Twitter's promise has not yet lived to the expectation and it seems that the management would have to act more seriously if they were to get out of the limbo they have gotten in to.




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Tomorrow Trading is important for USd economy and GOLD, all the thoughts about Clinton for president can be held to a stop with the announcement of once again one of the Bush Family (Jeb Bush the brother) to Run for president.


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The Athens General index and Greek government bonds have been dropping all morning, with the debt of Portugal, Italy and Spain now following suit as contagion fears resurface.

All the safety nets in place mean that this is more likely to be a case of euro-wide nervousness than real contagion, but still, this is a rare flash of something that at least looks a bit like that dreaded C-word.

There has been remarkably little talk of Greece's financial troubles knocking these other European markets over the last several months, as negotiations between radical Greek prime minister Alexis Tsipras' and Athens' creditors have trundled on without any conclusion.

The word "contagion" has barely been uttered, particularly since the European Central Bank started sucking up large chunks of sovereign debt as part of its €1.1tn monetary stimulus scheme, launched in March.



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Twitter Inc Chief Executive Officer Dick Costolo abruptly announced he was stepping down on Thursday amid increasing scrutiny of the company's slow user growth and inability to attract advertisers at the same rate as its competitors.

Costolo will be replaced by co-founder Jack Dorsey on an interim basis.

According to a source familiar with the matter, it was Costolo's decision to leave, and Costolo said he brought it up with the board last year as it began talking about succession planning.

Twitter has had a number of shake-ups in its management. Co-founders Jack Dorsey and Evan Williams both served as CEOs of the company before Costolo, and Costolo has overhauled much of his management team over the past year.

"Unfortunately this news isn't surprising," said Nate Elliott of management consultant Forrester Research. "The bottom line is that Twitter isn't very good right now at serving either its users or its marketers."

Costolo said on a conference call that Twitter will consider both internal and external candidates for its next CEO and that it has the "strongest management team (it's) ever had," which influenced his decision to step down. In a statement earlier he said he was "tremendously proud" of his six years at Twitter.



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