A call option is a contract the gives the buyer the right but not the obligation to buy a specific asset at a specific price, on a specific date of expiry. The value of a call option appreciates if the asset's market price increases.



Capital gains are the profits made from the buying and selling of assets. They are made when traders sell assets – like shares or commodities – for more than they originally paid for them. The opposite of a capital gain is a capital loss.



The cable is one of a few slang terms for different currency pairs; in this case, referring to British pound sterling against the US dollar. This may also be shown as GBP/USD or GBPUSD. Occasionally, people also refer to the price of the British pound as cable.



A clawback is a contractual obligation where money paid to an employee must be returned to an employer, sometimes even with a penalty.



Cook the books is a slang term for used to describe a process of making a company's financial results look better than they are in reality. 



Correction is a decline of 10% and more in the price of a security from its most recent peak.



Clearing is the procedure according to which financial trades are settled. It is the correct and timely transfer of funds to the seller and securities to the buyer.



Collusion is a non-competitive, secret, and sometimes illegal agreement between rivals that aims to disrupt the market's equilibrium. 



Cost-push inflation happens when the prices for the finished products increase due to increase in the cost of wages and raw materials. 



A currency band is currency regulation used by a government or central bank that specifying price floor as well as price ceiling.


Counterparty risk is the probability that one of the parties involved in a transaction might default its contractual obligation.



Cost control is the practice of reducing business expenses in order to increase profits.



A capped fund is a fund with certain and stated maximum limitations including in its investing or expense structure.



Cabinet crowd is a name for a group of brokers in NYSE who deal with inactive binds. Trading them is very light which usually results in a broad bid-ask spread and low liquidity.



Cambist is a person who has broad set of knowledge in currency exchange rates. It can also refer to a manual with exchange rates. Such manuals deem to be outdated sue to a variety of computer programs and lists.



Cross currency couple is a couple that does not include USD and is traded in equity market. In this case currencies are traded against each other without the need to convert them into dollars.



Chartered bank is bank that has the only financial role – accepting and guarding monetary deposits as well as lend money out to individuals and organizations. These banks’ types can vary from country to country.



Capitulation occurs when investors give up all of the previous earnings by selling the security in the time of losses and declines. It can occur at any given period of time during the decline and during high volume trading.



Currency substitution is a process of using a foreign currency instead of the national one in order to conduct all of the legal and governmental transactions. Usually countries using the system do not have an acting Central Bank or money for international trading.



Call on call is a type of exotic option where investor buys a secondary call option with custom provision that gives them the opportunity of buying plain vanilla option on underlying security in the future.



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