To have a hot hand means to have several successes in a row. For example, if someone tosses a coin a guesses what the coin is going to land on correct all of the times, they have a hot hand. It is synonymous to a winning streak and can be easily said about traders who win several times in a row.



Shortfall is a difference between a financial obligation and the amount of cash available. It can be both – temporary and constant. Constant shortfall is usually a sign of a poor money management or assets management when we are talking about a company.



Floater is a bind or some other kind of debt, the coupon oh which changes the price depending on the condition and overall situation in the market.



Style drift is the divergence or difference of a fund from its investment style or from its goal. Style drifts are often the results of capital appreciation. Can also be a result of a change in the management of the fund.



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