25.03 - WTI is conducting another test in the $25.00/barrel area
- George Solotarov
- English
- Hits: 2136
A ratio spread is a strategy used in options trading, in which a trader will hold an unequal number of buy and sell options positions on a single underlying asset at once.
Rate of return (ROR) is the loss or gain of an investment over a certain period, expressed as a percentage of the initial cost of the investment. A positive ROR means the position has made a profit, while a negative ROR means a loss. You will have a rate of return on any investment you make.
Random walk theory is a financial model that assumes that the stock market moves in a completely unpredictable way. The hypothesis suggests that the future price of each stock is independent of its own historical movement and the price of other securities.
A rally is a period in which the price of an asset, market or index sees sustained upward momentum. Typically, a rally will arrive after a period in which prices have been flat or in a decline.