A financial buyer is a type of buyer in an acquisition who is only interested in the return that can be achieved from the purchase. 



Horizontal equity is an economic theory that states that individuals with the same income and assets are to pay the same taxes.



An Investment Vehicle is a product used by investors with the intent for a profit. They can be both – low risk and extremely high risk.



Term out is a term used to describe the transfer of debt without ever leaving company's balance sheet. It is performed via the capitalization of short- to long-term debt. 



A man-year, or person-year, is a unit of measurement for amount of work done by one personal through the year, expressed in hours. 



A package deal is an order that contains several exchange or deposit items that can be completed simultaneously, or not. 



Tax evasion is an illegal action in which a person or entity deliberately avoids paying any taxes. 




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