Big Board is another slang term for describing NYSE – the oldest stock exchange in the USA.



Narrow money is all of the money supply held by the Central Bank – banknotes, coins, liquid assets and even demand deposits.



In trading weak hands refers to traders not having enough funds or power to carry out a trade or to stick to their chosen trading strategy.



Reproduction cost is a term used to describe the cost of identical reproduction of any good or service offered in the market.



Dollar shortage occurs when a country has no sufficient dollar supply in order to manage its international payments. With USD being the most popular currency in the world most of international transactions are conducted in American national currency.



Reserve currency is a currency reserved by a country in order to make payments or to be ready for investments, international transactions and debt obligations.



Research note is a statement from a brokerage firm that contain information that can be used for current day’s trading. It can be a state od currency couple, news of politics that influence trading or news of economy state as a whole.



Limit up is the maximum amount by which the price for commodity futures can grow in the span of one trading day.




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