Word-of-mouth marketing is basically a free ad service that goes from consumer to consumer on daily basis just by talking. How does it work? A consumer talks about a service or goods every day, thus lifting the level of interest towards said goods and services in other.
Rickshaw man is a type of candlestick chart that shoes high and low points for the price as well as opening and closing prices. It is type of indicator that shows indecisiveness in the market. The body here is usually at the very middle of a stick.
Weak dollar is a situation when the greenback loses value when compared against the basket of its six major rivals. To put is simpler it means that dollar can be bought for the lower price in the foreign currency. Weal dollar can be triggered by both – political and economic factors.
Trumpflation is the theory that the inflation of the United States is going to rise during the presidency of Donald Trump. Although we are already half-way through his first term, there is no evidence that this theory is going to come to life.
Window settlement is a process of closing the deal between the two dealers where the securities are payed for in person. It is a rare transaction in the modern conditions of the market, but it still happens sometimes.
Lion economies is a name attached to the growing African economic. These countries have a collective GDP of more than $2.2 trillion which is more than the GDP of Brazil. Main sources for the growing GDPs are retail, transportation, natural resources, telecommunications, agriculture and finances.
Dalal street is a street situated in Mumbai, India. It is a street on which Bombay Stock Exchange is located. It is the largest stock exchange is India and it was also the first one to be recognized by Indian government. It is now used in India just like Wall Street in the States – as a synonym to all fiscal activities.
To all the women out there have a great holiday
Plus tick is an indicator that shows us that a security is trading at a higher price today than it did the day before. Any addition in the price for the value of the asset is a plus tick.
Vega is a type of measurement the can tell whether the price for the security is dependent on the volatility of the underlying asset. Vega can also represent the amount the option’s price can change due changes in volatility of the underlying asset.