Market timing is the act of moving in and out of the market and switching between different segments and securities basing one’s decision in the economic data and technical indicators. Those who use this strategy are often not as profitable as those who remain invested as it is impossible to predict the movement of the market.
Market surveillance is the act of prevention and investigation of abusive behavior and manipulation of the market. It helps make sure that the market securities are traded fairly and that market as a whole is orderly. Without surveillance it would be easy to manipulate the market and simulate economic growth. That would lead to the crash of the system.
The process of holding the market includes buying a security in the times of rapid and steep falls in an attempt to hold the price for the security or to provide a necessary support level. It is banned in most markets as it is an unnatural manipulation of the market.
Rain check is a promise from a seller or a buyer of a later commitment. This means that they are going to make a deal just not at a given period of time, but later. The price for the security is going to stay the same though.
Kappa can tell traders and investors how much a security is going to change un price for a given period of time due to different changes even if the underlying price stays the same.
Yellow sheets is a name for the bulletins which contain the info on the price of the corporate bonds in so-called over-the-counter market. Yellow sheets contain info such as closing, opening process, highs and lows and yield.
Price basing is a practice of pricing commodity transactions by basing the price on related futures contracts process. This is a pricing method used by commodity producers, processors and consumers.
Inside day is a type of candlestick pattern that appears after a security experienced a daily price range equal to that of the day before.
Vulture fund is a fund that buys securities in distress times, it often involves purchasing securities which are in the verge of bankruptcy.
Capitulation occurs when investors give up all of the previous earnings by selling the security in the time of losses and declines. It can occur at any given period of time during the decline and during high volume trading.